As a full service marine terminal, New Orleans Terminal has the facilities, equipment and warehousing space to accommodate every cargo’s transport requirements. Each warehouse space is rail accessible which saves on intermodal consolidation and shipping costs.
Napoleon C Warehouse
provides 199,859 sq. ft. of warehousing
Milan Warehouse
has 107,000 sq. ft. rail accessible warehousing

The terminal also offers 335,000 sq. ft. of open support land and 45+ acres of container marshalling yard.
New Orleans Terminal has modern equipment available to support a variety of cargoes:
- Top Handlers
- Reach Stackers
- Yard Hustlers
- Utility carts to work multiple operations (rail, terminal yard-gate, marine vessels, and CFS) simultaneously
- A daily inventory of Forklifts ranging from 8—50 ton capacity with the ability to handle multiple gangs of rail cars, containers or Flat Rack/Platform transfers or consolidations.
- Assorted Paper clamp and Cotton clamp attachments.
Request a New Orleans Terminal Appointment
If you do not possess a valid TWIC card, you will be charged an escort fee.
Starting October 18, 2021 the escort fee will be $100.
Escort Fee is payable via Cash or PayCargo (
PayCargo Payment Instructions: please reference the Appt Code in the Ref. No. field and make sure to select CFS as payment type.
CFS truck appointment requests received after 3:30pm will not be granted for the next day.
This request does not guarantee that your appointment will be scheduled.
General Safety Rules
It is the New Orleans Terminal’s policy to create a safe environment for all of our employees and visitors. ANYONE FOUND VIOLATING THESE RULES WILL BE SUBJECT TO SUSPENSION. If there are any questions or concerns, please call the New Orleans Terminal Customer Service at 504.648.6220
- A current TWIC Card is needed for everyone entering the terminal.
- When exiting a vehicle on terminal grounds, the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn properly (safety vest, steel toe shoes, hardhat, etc. Use varies depending upon each operation).
- No mobile phones, including earpieces and headphones to be used or worn while servicing or operating a vehicle on terminal grounds. If an imminent need arises, please move away from the operation, park, turn off the vehicle and make the call. Remember Safety first!
- Bobtail Drivers: Use bobtail lanes only when entering or exiting the terminal unless otherwise instructed.
- Pay Attention to Stop Signs. They are strategically placed for everyone’s safety.
- The Speed limit is 15 MPH and strictly enforced!
- Pay attention to clearly marked traffic arrows when driving or operating on the terminal. Most roadways are one way.
- All OTR truckers (OTR) should clearly mark their trucks with a number.
- Remain in your truck when located in the main yard. No walking around or between containers.
- No cutting thru stacks or sections.
- No U-Turns in sections.
- Seatbelts must be worn at all times when on the terminal grounds.
- Watch out for RTGs and always remain in designated RTG Lanes.
- Absolutely No Littering. Dispose of trash in properly marked receptacles.
- NO SMOKING on terminal grounds except in marked designated areas.
- All drivers must unlock pins under the second inbound canopy/pedestal.
- No passengers allowed in trucks except for driver training purposes only. Driver training must be preapproved. Both drivers must have TWIC cards and possess a copy of the approval email.